Here are some answers to the most common questions, when it comes to vocal training.

Depending on your level and your discipline, you can achieve valuable things in a short time but to master a technique and find your sound, takes time and practice so only a couple of months is just not enough.

No, I teach a variety of genres always in respect to the identity and the goal of the artist.

We definitely will! The way our vocal folds function is responsible for different distorted sounds. Inevitably you will need to familiarise with your clean sound even if you don’t intent to use it.

Although that is the most common option for most singers, it depends on the task you will be working on and what you can afford

Yes they are. The structure of the lesson and the info given is the same in both cases, it is just a different manner.

No. You will learn safe techniques to find your extreme sound. As long as you stick to what will be defined as our “safety protocol” you will be fine.
Bear in mind that you need to be disciplined and patient.
Yes. You will be surprised to find out that various things from your classical vocal training will be useful tools for you.
Be ready to experiment and get out of your comfort zone. This applies to everyone of course!

The only requirements are a good internet connection and a decent mobile phone/camera. Nowadays, most of the mobile phones do the work.